Viann Zhang and Li Chen’s Romance Slammed By Netizens
After Viann Zhang (張馨予) revealed the reasons why she chose mainland Chinese actor Li Chen (李晨) over Ron Ng (吳卓羲), the new couple has been slammed harshly by netizens. Most of the criticisms were directed at Viann Zhang, bashing her for changing her boyfriend frequently and using her voluptuous figure to attract men.
One netizen wrote on Weibo, “Please get away from Li Chen. I am so happy for Ron Ng (吳卓羲), but feel sorry for Li Chen.”
A fan of Ron also wrote, “After ending her last relationship recently, she got herself attached again! Who says that she is not using Ron Ng to gain fame?”
Some netizens also mocked Viann’s tattoo and wrote, “Where do you intend to tattoo on your body now?”
Li Chen Cries Over Public’s Criticisms
On August 25th, Li Chen posted a long message on his Weibo and lashed back at the netizens. Appearing to be under stress from the sarcastic and harsh remarks from the public, Li Chen wrote, “My tears flow and I do not know what I have done wrong. I am not afraid that I become a mockery because the tears are not for the ridiculous comments. You can continue to say what you want, and I won’t lose a piece of me. I also do not need all the fake blessings. Please save them!”
Li Chen also concluded sarcastically, “I will still give you my blessings from the bottom of my heart, just like how you wish for me and her (Viann) to be unfortunate.”
In response to Li Chen’s post on Weibo, Viann wrote, “Let’s just follow our hearts. This is youth.”
Over 60,000 netizens flowed in to comment on Li Chen’s Weibo post with a mixture of encouraging notes and negative remarks.
Ron Ng Declined to Respond
Since his former girlfriend, Viann Zhang, had acknowledged her new romance, Ron Ng refused to comment on her new relationship. When asked if he had seen Li Chen’s Weibo post, Ron was determined to draw a clear boundary from his ex-girlfriend and said, “I have changed my phone. My new phone did not install Weibo at all.”