Tarr called for New Currents jury duty
By Patrick Frater
Wed, 29 August 2012, 10:23 AM (HKT)
In its third similar announcement in a week, the Busan International Film Festival 부산국제영화제 (4-13 Oct) has announced the jury to decide the prizes for its main competition, New Currents.
The jury will be headed by Hungarian film maker Béla TARR (pictured). Other members include South Korean star JUNG Woo-sung 정우성, Japanese directorKAWASE Naomi 河瀬直美, French writer and Nobel Prize winner Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio and Canadian writer David Gilmour.
Tarr was scheduled to be on the jury of this year's Shanghai International Film Festival上海國際電影節 in June, only to withdraw on medical advice not to fly after a fall that resulted in three broken ribs. He was replaced by fellow Hungarian film-maker György Pálfi.
The New Currents competition is open to Asian films by a first- or second-time directors. Newspapers in the Philippines have already announced that Vincent SANDOVAL's Aparisyon will be one of the competing films.