ACF 1633: Two screenings of Korean drama STATELESS THINGS at MoMA
Written and directed by KIM Kyung-mook
South Korea, 2012, 118 minutes
Where: Museum of Modern Art, 11 West 53 Street, NYC
Map here
The “stateless things” in the title of documentarian Kim’s first narrative feature are three marginalized young people in Seoul: a teenage North Korean defector and a Chinese Korean girl who occasionally do odd jobs together, and a gay hustler who, for a while anyway, has a lovely apartment and a sugar daddy. At once harsh and dreamy, the film treats its dispossessed characters with a hopeful empathy, bringing them together in a fresh and provocative manner.
These screenings of Stateless Things are part of the third edition of Yeonghwa: Korean Film Today. This joint presentation of The Korea Society and MoMA includes 11 distinctive contemporary narratives, from superior genre films to unclassifiable features by some of Korea’s leading renegade filmmakers.

These screenings of Stateless Things are part of the third edition of Yeonghwa: Korean Film Today. This joint presentation of The Korea Society and MoMA includes 11 distinctive contemporary narratives, from superior genre films to unclassifiable features by some of Korea’s leading renegade filmmakers.
Liu Yan, Olympic photos 2012

Quiz the Korean (Act 180)
And here as our weekly Quiz to Korean Sunday! As usual, the one who gave me the name of this lovely lady first won the Quiz. Easy, is not it? So you play and good weekend to all!