Mr Sex Scandal to settle down after bedding dozens?
Is Edison Chen willing to give up the whole forest for a tree?
Edison, who revealed that his favourite sport was sex, is known for his sex scandals with dozens of women including A-list celebrities and a teenage model. He was also caught seeing other women while dating socialite Vincy Yeung, who dumped him last year.
So it comes as a huge surprise that, according to Hong Kong's Face magazine, Edison is ready to surrender his bachelor status for 22-year-old Taiwanese lass Ann Hong, once a humble employee at his boutique in Taiwan, and taking their relationship to the next level.
Quoting a buddy of his, the magazine said Edison had proposed to Ann. "They are planning for their big day next year but haven't decided on the venue, it might be somewhere in Hong Kong," said the friend.
The actor-singer, 32, surprised his friends at a party last month by announcing his marriage plans. "Shocked, we kept asking him if it was true and he said yes," the source continued, adding Ann had accepted Edison's proposal for marriage.
And just what made him want to settle down with Ann? Her beauty and sexy body? Nope! A source told the magazine that Ann is very gentle and feminine and speaks with a soft and sweet tone. "She doesn't spend money like water or buy branded goods."
Since Edison and Ann began dating six months ago, they have not, in an attempt, tried to hide the relationship from the media and have always shared their happy moments on Instagram. Recently, two pictures of Ann, wearing a ring on her left index finger, were uploaded onto the online photo-sharing site. Is this an indication of the pair's marriage plans?
Edison's assistant, when asked, has denied reports on the star's marriage. "We are not responding (to the speculation). It's not true," he said.
Source: Face
Zhang Jia Ni