Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla – Review

Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla is kind of the black sheep of the Heisei series because it's by far the worst. It's not horrible but it is kind of a blemish on what was a really great film series. You know what's weird too this was actually the 40th anniversary of the Godzilla series it did come out in 1994 after all, but Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 2 claims to be the anniversary movie. Also Space Godzilla seriously is a stupid name. I think the monster itself is really cool but Space Godzilla is so silly and unimaginative as a name I can't take it seriously. The scfi explanation for the birth of Godzilla is really odd, there are two! One involves Mothra from two films previous taking Godzilla cells into space and the other involves Biolante. But… and this may be nerdy… but the events of Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (the time travel creating a new timeline beginning just after the events of world war 2) would mean Biolante never existed in this timeline because if you remember Biolante was created form the cells of Godzilla in the 80's but you see there was no Godzilla because he was erased form history. See I told you it was nerdy. Why did they feel they needed two explanations for Space Godzilla existing? It highlights the sloppy script.
If Godzilla vs. Mecha Godzilla 2 embraced the feel of the original series in a good way this film took the feel in a poor underdeveloped way. They wanted it to emulate the off the wall scfi atmosphere but it doesn't work. All together the film features Moguera, Space Godzilla, the son of Godzilla and Godzilla. Originally Mecha Godzilla was supposed to in the film but was scraped for budget reasons and it's unfortunate because Moguera is a terrible replacement. He looks bad like a kid's toy someone only half designed then got bored and stopped. As a plus SG looks fantastic as does Godzilla and the two are interesting adversaries because they are nearly evenly matched. In fact SG is possibly even stronger the Godzilla because of his awesome back spikes. Baby G has a lot to do in this film too and has a subplot with my lady Megumi Odaka who makes her fifth appearance playing the same character something completely unheard of.

This movie doesn't work, I want to like it but it's just not very good outside the monster battles. The characters besides Megumi Odaka are all boring and their motives are all convoluted. The plot doesn't even really start until 45 minutes in. Most of the film has a bunch of uninteresting characters living on an island studying Godzilla. When SG lands finally on earth and Mothra's fairies show up and warn that the earth must rely on Godzilla alone to save everyone. This is one of the problems with this movie I don't think Godzilla would want to help the earth he isn't the superhero from the original series why would he want to help. In fact the Godzilla portrayed in the Heisei series has always been a complete animal how he could even comprehend the situation. The monster we have always seen was a morally ambiguous animal only surviving and destroying by his base instincts and it was a misstep to take the animal in this direction.
The only things that work in this movie are the special effects and the fights between the monsters, Megumi Odaka, and the music. Actually there is this scene where the scientists are eating some amazing looking food. So that just made me hungry. Other than that this movie is not very good and it is unfortunate the Heisei Godzilla series tripped up here because all the other ones fit so well together as a whole. It's worth watching but you'll probably forget you even saw it other than what I already mentioned. Oh well the next one brings us to the finale of the Heisei series and one of the most iconic moments in pop culture history.
Best Moment of Destruction: Godzilla gouges out the eyes of Space Godzilla and burns him to death. Pretty gruesome.

Here is the other potent Gozilla ...

ABBY POBLADOR - Knockout Beauty


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