Hongkong Entertainment 2013/01/31

    courtesy of on.cc
    courtesy of mingpao.com

    Eva Huang Shengyi recently came to Hong Kong to work on her new film THE ICEMAN COMETH 3D (BING FUNG HUP). Two nights ago when she went to the movies she revealed that working with Donnie Yen Chi Tan has been pleasant. She said, "Chi Tan is very nice, very manly and attentive. He is the action director, so I ask him to give me more fight scenes. I have learned a lot from him."

    Shengyi had nothing but praise for Chi Tan. Speaking of Stephen Chow Sing Chi who reportedly has cut ties with her due to contract issues she did not criticize Sing Yeh. Instead she supported him, "Reports say he is cheap? I don't know. Saving money is a virtue, as a boss saving money is very normal. He treated me rather well, treating me and a group of people to dinner. As for whether we will work together again that will depend on opportunity. I was younger before, now I am grown. He has his personal style and is very talent. Both as an actor and a director he has his own style." Shengyi felt that no one should always mind what others say because no one could please everyone. She even hinted that her dispute with Sing Yeh has already been resolved and even thanked him. "I thank him very much. Without KUNG FU HUSTLE, with him giving me my start, no one would have a chance to know Huang Shengyi. I shou! ld be grateful."
    Zhou Chuchu, Anthony Wong, Gillian Chung, Sin Kwok Lam
    courtesy of on.cc
    courtesy of singtao.com
    Gillian Chung spars with Master Sin Kwok Lam
    courtesy of mingpao.com

    Anthony Wong Chau Sun, Gillian Chung Yun Tung, Zhou Chuchu and producer Sin Kwok Lam yesterday attended the IP MAN THE FINAL FIGHT (IP MAN JUNG GIK YUT JIN) Beijing press conference. Sin Kwok Lam said that although some questioned with Chau Sun's look and non martial art star status whether he was able to play Ip Man well, he felt that Chau Sun after losing weight resembled Ip Man 90%. Chau Sun has also studied Tai Shing Pek Kwar so he was very agile.

    Chau S! un in the film had many action scenes. He practiced so much that his arms were swollen. He said, "The fight scene with (Eric) Tsang Chi Wai was very exciting, we both were injured. Although Chi Wai was already 60, he was still powerful. We even joked that we will have to make more action films in the future."

    Playing Ip Man's disciple Dim Sum girl, Ah Gil studied Wing Chun with Sin Kwok Lam before joining the cast. She said, "I play a couple with Master Sin's disciple Chow Ting Yu. They often instructed me on the set, so the action scenes weren't too tough."
    courtesy of on.cc
    courtesy of mingpao.com

    Michelle Yeoh (Yeung Chi King), Jang Dong-Gun, Yao Chen, Zhang Jingchu, Pace Wu (Ng Pui Chi) yesterday attended a BVLGARI jewelry event in Beijing. Yeung Chi King and Jang Dong-Gun host the lighting ceremony then spoke with the media. Yeung Chi King revealed that lately she is in negotiation for CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON 2 but she cannot reveal any detail yet. If all goes well it will be truly an enormous challenge for her because the last film was released 13 years ago and a box office and critical hit. It was also the first Chinese film to win the Best Foreign Film Oscar.
  • Kevin, Myolie, Linda & Raymond in Korea
    Via Myolie's weibo: A successful performance!

    4 of my fave artists together! :)
  • "Inbound Troubles" suffers cuts in China

    Rumours of impending censorship has proven to be true, as it was reported that TVB's controversial drama, "Inbound Troubles" have suffered from heavy editing for its first four episodes in mainland China.
    According to Popular Asians website, it was revealed that approximately 10 minutes of footage from the first four episodes were cut from its mainland broadcast, including the scene where Wong Cho Lam's character, Choi Sum came across some Hong Kong protesters rallying outside a clothing store.
    The censored scene reportedly was inspired by an actual controversy that occurred in January last year, when the staff at Dolce & Gabbana stopped Hong Kong citizens from taking pictures in front of their shop, but allowed mainland Chinese tourists to do so – sparking a rise of anti-mainlander sentiment.
    However, despite the cuts and complaints, "Inbound Troubles" has already achieved an average of 1.92 million viewers in its first week of broadcast and sparked rumours of a movie version in the making.
    "Inbound Troubles" is currently airing in mainland China through TVB's overseas channel and Chinese video streaming websites.
    Source: Yahoo! Entertainment
  • Athena Chu makes first public appearance after pregnancy
    The Hong Kong actress revealed her svelte post-pregnancy figure to the media for the first time

    Athena Chu has regained her pre-pregnancy figure just four months after the birth of her daughter "Char Siew Bun".
    The Hong Kong actress, who was dressed in an elegant long black gown, said during an event on Monday, "I still have only 2kg to shed before I regain to my size before pregnancy."
    Athena revealed that she and husband, Hong Kong singer Paul Wong, have selected a "proper" name for "Char Siew Bun" - Wong Yan Debbie.
    "Paul admires an English singer called Debbie. It's easy to pronounce and also means 'Daddy's baby'," the mother of one explained.
    The 41-year-old said Debbie looked more like herself, while praising her behaviour as "well-behaved" and "easy to manage".
    Athena said that she is not breastfeeding currently as she is worried about not having adequate breast milk for her daughter.
    "Debbie already has a sponsor for her milk powder," she added jokingly. "Her parents will also work hard to earn money too!"
    Source: Xinmsn Entertainment
  • Eliza Sam Indirectly Praises Herself When Praising Mimi Chu

    Artiste Eliza Sam attended an event. Regarding her playing the young version of Mimi Chu in the TV series "Inbound Troubles" receiving praise, Eliza laughingly said, "During filming, I also thought that there was a slight resemblance! (Is it good to look like her?) Mimi is a very happy person. Her eyes are also sharp. Certainly good to look like her!"
    Source: the-sun
    Translated by: hyn5 @ 幸而城 Fortunate City
  • Kevin Cheng & Nancy Wu Exposes Myolie Wu Has a New Pursuer

    On Lunar Chinese New Year, February 9th, a special show TVB Golden Viva Spectacular is globally broadcasting live and can also be viewed on tvb.com's MyTV. TVB artists are traveling to Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan to do the biggest CNY show. Artists to Korea: Kevin Cheng, Raymond Lam, Myolie Wu, Linda Chung; to Singapore: Bosco Wong, Kenneth Ma, Ron Ng, Edwin Siu, Nancy Wu, Alfred Hui; to Taiwan: Eric Tsang. Artists staying in HK for the show -- Nat Chan, Liza Wang, Dodo Cheng, Moses Chan, Wayne Lai, Fala Chen and Vivian Chow will be performing in the show.
    Kevin Cheng, Myolie Wu, Linda Chung and Raymond Lam appeared at the airport today for their departure to Korea. Then after the show, Myolie and Kevin are going back to Mainland to continue filming. Kevin said he knows Myolie has a pursuer. Myolie said: "Just a pursuer, not successful yet." Nancy Wu attended an event and revealed: "Myolie has a pursuer now, he's someone outside of the industry I told her not to worry so much about work and enjoy it."
    At the show in Korea, Kevin will perform a Mandarin song, while Linda and Myolie will perform English songs. When asked why aren't they don't rehearse Korean songs? They said: "Leave the Korean songs for Korean singers. This show is airing during the Lunar New Year, the songs are sung to Chinese people, therefore its better for them to understand the language." Kevin expressed he won't be dancing, that he will leave for Raymond Lam.
    When speaking of Ekin Cheng and Yoyo Mung's surprising marriage, Kevin said this is the couple's personal choice and he congratulates them. However, when asked about his own love life, Kevin said: "Not getting anywhere." He revealed he's currently busy shooting series and only gets half a day off on Lunar New Year. He took this opportunity to clarify the rumor of his withdrawal from Startling By Each Step 2, he said: "Before when I asked the crew, it wasn't confirmed that I will be in it, so later I accepted other jobs. Unexpectedly, it was later said tha! t I would be part of the cast. It is a timing issue that I couldn't be in it. However, if there is an opportunity, I hope to guest star."
    As for Linda, she collaborated with Ekin in a series before and disclosed Ekin's his 'See Fu'. She was very excited to hear that he got married and praised he and Yoyo are a match from heaven. She hopes the couple will have a baby soon: "When I saw the report on them before, they said they're not planning on having children, but I hope that's not true. Ekin's handsome and Yoyo's beautiful, they will definitely make a beautiful and behaved baby!"
    Raymond had a large group of fans waiting for him at the airport. About Ekin and Yoyo's marriage, Raymond was really surprised and disclosed he had always referred Yoyo as his elder sister. He said: "I asked her before when they're getting married, but her didn't answer me. However, I do wish them to be together forever and I hope they'll hold a wedding party in HK. If not, we should get together for dinner at least." Asked when he plans to get married? He said he will copy Ekin, and announce after the fact: "After all, marriage is between two people. Just have to celebrate with family of both sides. (What about you and Karena Ng BB?) I need to concentrate on making more money now, work is my priority."
    Source: On.cc, HKChannel
    Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
  • Kristal Tin is Neither Jealous or on Bad Terms with Joey Meng

    Last night, Linda Chung, Louis Cheung, Kristal Tin and Leanne Li attended TVB series Brother's Keepers end-of-filming dinner. This is Louis' second series after Inbound Troubles, and in March he'll be participating in new costume series Food for Slaves with the original cast. He plays the 'Eighth Royal Brother' and will be shaving his head.
    It was said Linda withdrew from Food for Slaves? She explained she asked TVB to take two months off half a year ago, so she can spend some time with her family and educate herself more. Although Linda didn't go to Raymond Lam's concert, she still sent him a flower basket. When speaking of rumored girlfriend Karena Ng making a high-profile appearance at his concert, it was said their relationship has is now public? Linda said: "I didn't gossip about that. They denied the rumor, but if its real, I will congratulate them. They're a matching pair."
    It was rumored Kristal Tin has been jealous that Joey Meng already got a leading role in her first TVB series, but she's been with TVB for 7 years and is still only a second or third string actress. Kristal said she will not respond to imaginary stories. Artists should not be divided into the so-called string actors, the most important is whether the role fits you. Kristal said she and Joey are not on bad terms, they both know what's going on. Also, she does not believe that there's a "TVB Party" trying to boycott the "ATV Party". They are all professional artists, why would they have such mentality? She joked she's actually part of the "To Party" (referring to husband Chapman To).
    Source: Mingpao
    Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
  • Raymond Lam Sweet Smiles when Kay Tse Teases him and 'BB' Karena Ng

    Raymond Lam's three show A TIME 4 YOU HK Coliseum concert ended last night. TVB rising FaDans Christine Kuo, Eliza Sam, Rebecca Zhu and Grace Wong watched the show in support for him, but the attention was placed on Raymond's recent rumored girlfriends - "BB" Karena Ng, Rose Chan and Michelle Ye.
    At the first show, the 'actual girlfriend' Karena BB made a high-profile appearance and got Raymond to deliberately 'grant' her a seat, making their relationship surface. On the second show, ex-rumored girlfriend Rose Chan was there to support him and on the final night, he had Michelle Ye's support and in turn she got a VIP seat. Michelle's ex-boyfriend Benny Chan and his wife were also went to see the concert, what a 'triangle mistake'. Other supporters at the concert were Michael Miu and his wife Jamie Chik, Virgina Lok and Michael Tse.
    Kay Tse was the guest performer at the final show and took the 'Raymond-Karena romance' to joke with. She said: "I'm so nervous today because our duet is a romantic song. I'm not sure whether your BB is here or not, but if she's here then I'm going to feel really shy!" Kay really heated up the atmosphere and got Raymond to release a honey sweet smile!
    When speaking of Kay's joke, Raymond laughed: "She told me beforehand, I didn't mind. (There are fans scolding BB on Weibo?) Don't play me! (What relationship do you have with her?) It's all just written by you guys!" When asked if BB praised his singing? Raymond nodded sweetly: "Yes!" Raymond also revealed his father watched all three of shows, but has he seen his 'daughter-in-law' BB yet? Raymond smiled and told reporters to stop asking.
    Source: Oriental Daily
    Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum


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