Top Ten Search List (June 29)

Baidu Beat

Here is today’s top ten real-time search list, recorded at 2:17PM.

1. 抓拍公车私用 zhuāpāi gōngchēsīyòng – “Candid Shots of Public Vehicles in Private Use”: An elderly Guangzhou man by the name of Qu Shaokun, lovingly known by fellow townspeople—and now by netizens—as “Uncle Qu,” has risen to national fame with the help of two cell phone cameras and a sense of civic duty. Six years ago, coming out of a brief stay in the hospital, Qu was walking down the street when the driver of a car coming from behind him tried to forcefully honk him out of the way. When he turned around and saw that it was a police car, but a police car coming out of a bar parking lot and definitely not on its way to some official mission, he shouted out on impulse, “Public Vehicle, Private Use!” (“Gōngchēsīyòng!”) and immediately called in to report what he’d seen; soon after, he received word from the police department confirming the veracity of his report and informing him that the appropriate disciplinary measures had been taken. Thus began Qu’s six-year (to date) self-appointed tenure as an unflagging “Gongchesiyong” watchdog. Qu has so far successfully reported 100 instances of Gongchesiyong, and is a public hero for his devotion to equality before the law. Here’s the story in Chinese.

2. 甘肃牛奶投毒 Gānsù niúnǎi tóudú – “Gansu Milk Poisoners”: On June 27th, the Higher People’s Court of Gansu Province opened the public hearing of Pingjing dairy farmers Ma Xiuling and Wu Guangquan, who in April of 2011 intentionally tainted a local competitor’s milk with nitrite, subsequently poisoning 35 townspeople and killing 3 children. Here’s the story in Chinese.

3. 神九返回直播 Shénjiǔ fǎnhuí zhíbō – “Shenzhou’s Back Live Broadcast”: China’s most recent manned space mission has now concluded, with the successful return of the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft to earth. The team landed in Inner Mongolia. Liu Yang, China’s first female astronaut, was the first to exit the spacecraft. Here’s the story in Chinese.

4. 温州啃脸男 Wēnzhōu kěnliǎnnán – “Wenzhou Face-Eater Man”: The U.S. is no longer alone when it comes to being home to a southeastern face-eater. On June 26th in the early afternoon, an intoxicated Wenzhou bus driver (too much too drink at lunch with his buddies, according to police) climbed onto the hood of a female drivers car, banged on her windshield, grabbed her, attacked her on the ground, and then…starting gnawing on her face. The police found it extremely difficult to pry him off of his victim, because he was “acting so crazy.” Here’s the story in Chinese.

5. 蕾娜-格雷克 Lěinà Géléikè – “Lena Gercke”: This past Wednesday, the German Football Association asked Germany’s next top model winner Lena Gercke, girlfriend of midfielder Sami Khedira, to dress as modestly as possible and generally tone down her appearance during the Euro 2012 semi-finals, as she has apparently been stirring up too much jealousy among the wives and girlfriends of other players—to the point of threatening morale within the team itself. So, Chinese soccer fans are now searching Lena’s name along with the rest of us, of course in the interest of understanding the game from all angles. Here’s the story in Chinese.

6. 末位淘汰可索赔 mòwèitáotài kě suǒpéi – Yesterday, the Supreme People’s Court notified reporters that it is seeking the advice of the community as it deliberates over the appropriate judicial interpretation of laws related to the hiring and firing practice referred to as the “Bottom Out” principle (“mòwèitáotài” = literally, “last place eliminated”), by which the least competent employee, when it becomes clear to employers who that is, may be fired at any time, without warning, simply because he or she is in “last place”. The way deliberations are going, it seems that the Supreme Court may soon grant employees the right to seek compensation if they have been fired purely as a result of Moweitaotai. Here’s the story in Chinese.

7. 罗伊斯-怀特 Luóyīsī Huáitè – “Royce White”: As devoted NBA fans, many Chinese netizens were concerned about the fate of Royce White, projected first-round pick in the NBA draft, when it came to light that his chances may have been hurt due to his fear of flying (pteromerhanophobia, for the lay people out there), related to his anxiety disorder. Now that he’s landed with the Houston Rockets, things seem like they’re going to be okay. Here’s the story in Chinese.

8. 广州油罐车爆炸 Guǎngzhōu yóuguànchē bàozhà – “Guangzhou Tanker Explosion”: A major traffic accident occured this morning at 4:30AM on the Yanjiang highway in Guangzhou, when a truck rear-ended a tanker with a 40-ton oil load, setting off an explosion and a massive fire that got so out of hand as to caused damage to surrounding buildings. 20 people were killed and 27 injured in the explosion. Here’s the story in Chinese.

9. 贾斯汀-汉密尔顿 Jiǎsītīng Hànmì’ěrdùn – “Justin Hamilton”: More NBA news—this time of LSU center Justin Hamilton being selected with the 45th pick of the draft by the Philadelphia 76ers—attracts netizen attention as the results of Thursday evening’s draft trickle in. (“Late Thursday night” in the U.S. conveniently overlaps with midday Friday in China: peak cubicle procrastination/NBA-draft-pick-checking time). Here’s the story in Chinese.

10. 张瑞芳 Zhāng Ruìfāng – Famous mainland Chinese film actress Zhang Ruifang passed away last night, at the age of 94. As the nation celebrates the life and mourns the loss of one of China’s irreplaceable and beloved “Four Dan Actresses” (sìdàmíngdàn 四大名旦 = a title given to Zhang and three other brilliant leading ladies in Chinese history), Weibo users join in to wish her a “pleasant journey to the next life” and to sing her praises as a true unforgettable “classic” of Chinese art and culture. Here’s the story in Chinese.


Mengjiao Li China Sohu Chinajoy booth showgirl top beautiful model

Name: Mengjiao Li
Nickname: Pinky
Date of Birth: 11/4/1992
Zodiac: Scorpio
Blood Type: O
Height: 168cm
Weight: 41KG
Measurements: 84cm 61cm 86cm
City: Shanghai, China
Dream: Around the World
Experience: the 2011 Chinajoy the Sohu booth Chief showgirl giant "journey" game promotion showgirl, "Tudou" Neutrogena promotion advertising video clips, star yet "Party B" recording, Taobao madou, everyone net red people.
Sina microblogging:
I hope to speak: clothing, shoes, accessories
Occupation: plane model
Style: Japanese series, sweet, lovely
Shoe size: 37
Underwear size: 34B
Film psychological price: 2000 rmb / day
School: Institute of China
Major: Applied Japanese

Personal experience:
2011 Chinajoy Sohu booth chief showgirl
2011 TGC Tencent games carnival showgirl
2010 Chinajoy century, natural Coser
Shanghai International Auto Show, the luxury car Museum booth front desk
Queen's wedding photo studio Madou
Journal of plane shooting
Album posters shooting
"Journal Women" magazine beauty Edition
Giants' journey 2 "game to promote the showgirl
Japanese catwalk model at the brand new conference
South East TV "special restaurant" program recording
"Tudou" the Neutrogena promotion advertising video clips
Star is still "Party B" Record
Taobao Madou
Everyone to net Reds
The POCO net location camera models

2011ChinajoyMengjiao Li fresh and lovely image of a the Sohu main ShowGirl. Contact with a lot of shooting her feel sexy is not equal to the large-scale and exposure, sexy is an elaboration, sexy Tibet was just right, but also exposed appropriately. Variety style, she can be mature and sexy, it can be little girls, she was very willing to try different styles. Love the memory of the most romantic thing in Mengjiao Li said she wanted the yogurt, the boys went to the supermarket to buy all brands, the taste of yogurt …

ChineseGirlFind interview:
1, how do you expect to sign up to participate in Chinajoy? Before the sessions go?
Mengjiao Li: This year is the first time I participated in Chinajoy, usually prefer to play some small games, listening to friends that this game show, so I want to say the interview to do a showgirl to give it a try, did not expect super lucky to be selected, very happy.

2, this year ChinajoyMengjiao Li as Sohu booth chief showgirl on their performance satisfied with it?
Mengjiao Li: Little satisfaction Oh, just the opening dance I am entangled acridine, is a challenge for me, has always been good at dancing, oh stand a lot of my sister has a dance basis, give me a big pressure. Fortunately, however, finally learned, jump bad, I hope bear with me!

3, Chinajoy scene encountered embarrassment? How to resolve it?
Mengjiao Li: refers to the encounter strange uncle seeking photo? Ha ha! Does not seem to run into the amount of embarrassment.

4, how do you look Showgirl this work? Future life because Chinajoy change?
Mengjiao Li: Showgirl good acridine, give me a chance to show their Usually participate in various activities on a part-time, so Chinajoy my life will not change, but hope can let more people know me, know me by Chinajoy.

5, CJ Show Mengjiao Li What are the advantages of off Ying stir it? Most satisfied with their own which part of it?
Mengjiao of Li: Haha! I do not know, smile baa? Because everyone says that I burst out laughing eyes crooked, like talking, may be the deepest impression for everyone to be my smile. Most satisfied with my mouth.

6, Mengjiao Li has been involved in so much shooting of the video plane, talk during the story you remember.
Mengjiao Li: it seems there is no special thing Yeah, but each shot will recognize many of my friends, this point is very pleased with it.

7, is now on the network due to large-scale photo bursts of beautiful girls, a lot of people, Mengjiao Li will try to sexy the film?
Mengjiao Li: I think that sexy does not mean that large-scale and exposure, sexy is an exposition of beauty, sexy is a possession to be just right, but also exposed appropriately. Variety, today can be mature and sexy, tomorrow is a petite and cute, so I am willing to try different styles.

8, models will take part in the filming some of the more exposed lens, parents opposed to what? Able to accept the maximum scale is?
Mengjiao Li: Mom and Dad know that I have my own scale standard, so not too worried about. I can accept the scale of swimsuit!

9, into the circle model so that your feelings are? The family will not worry you embark on the crooked road?
Mengjiao Li: to enter the circle model can experience the beauty of Super Multi acridine favorite and beauty to make friends! Ha ha. I think as long as their hearts to measure the feet would not have embarked on a crooked road.

10, the boyfriend of your mind is what it? Yearning for what kind of love you?
Mengjiao Li: hurt me, pet me, do my stomach roundworm, never know what I want, ha ha! Meet the unique small for my Shanghai girls, ha ha! Also often give me all kinds of little surprise, oh.

11, Mengjiao Li experienced the most romantic thing what is it? Will want to get married in it?
Mengjiao Li: can only say that the memories, I remember when in school, because I would like yogurt, and the boys to chase me, do not know I drink what brand of yogurt, go to the supermarket brand all tastes yogurt bought … married into the wealthy can not think, can only be said to want to marry a condition of good people. Own easy life had comfortable.

12, talk about your concept of money, right? Not hesitate to pay all costs because of the fame and fortune it?
Mengjiao Li: now in front of me mentioned, I have a measure of foot, do not do not want to do.

13, Mengjiao Li usually have to play what games do? The most favorite thing to do in the game do?
Mengjiao Li: I play usually play point IPHONE game.

14, Do you believe in the love of the game? How do you see from game to reality, can come together couple?
Mengjiao Li: personally do not believe that the love of the game, feel the game is virtual.

15, you feel like a full day to soak in the game otaku?
Mengjiao Li: do not like! Close friend met this boy, and finally all end up breaking up. The boys all day long soak in the game, the care of the girlfriend is never enough.

16, Mengjiao Li to do so more than a sideline, will not affect the normal work.? Clear plans for the future does not?
Mengjiao Li: Fortunately, it, activities are generally part-time, shot Taobao, the owner, very satisfied, will try to please me to shoot on the weekend. Normal work, not his favorite, will try a change eventually find their own like most industries, but I know, graphic, advertising, I will not give up … hope you can enjoy. Finally, I hope a lot of attention to support my Amoy girl Oh, look forward to working with major businesses, thank you!

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Join Stella Stewart for Super Bowl Sunday (in HD) Stella is ready for the big game Sunday. She is ready to be referee (or would that be just a bit too distracting?). Who will be the first to score? And yes, it is a real NFL football. twitter profile http istardom.comnamed Stella TOP TEN INTERNET MODEL 2008. See Stella at Don't forget to subscribe so you are notified when its posted. Stella is back and asking you to join her. Stella also has lots of new pictures and video, but because Youtube is so picky, you will have to go to her web site and her web site store to see them. Be sure to check back from time to time as they will be updated. Except for not being able to notify her fans the timing couldn't be better. Stella completed shooting a pilot that has been tentatively (nothing is certain until it is on the air) picked up for April 2010 air date and she has a regular recurring role. Of course there were the usual parties and red carpet events to keep her busy too. it has been a long time. The last time Stella posted a video that wasn't banned, Michael Jackson and Ted Kennedy were alive, Polanski was a fugitive, the Lockerbee bomber was in prison, people still had their Clunkers, and the dow jones was under 7000. Stella grew up outside Boston, though she moved to West Palm Beach at an early age. She won her first beauty pageant there, and was given a glimpse of the land of beaches and land of trump near worth avenue. She was treated to trips to Dubai, Aruba, Bermuda, Cancun, Jamaica, Cabo ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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