Taiwan Beauty Lin Dai

Translated From Chinese

cute E milk and hot mold Lin Dai yu 13 border =

Lin Dai Profile

Name: Lin Dai
whose real name is: Lin Jiajia
alias: Lin Xiya
Nickname: small yu,
Yaya Birthday: September 28, 1981
constellation: Libra
Blood Type: A-type
height: 168 cm
weight: 48 kg
measurements: 32E, 24,35
qualifications: Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Financial Management the Master
interest: singing dancing, to sleep
Occupation: model the artist
experience: tiger tooth sub-trials champion - Tiger girls
unknown: http://www.wretch.cc/album/sayuri9807
face book: http://www.facebook.com/su0928
face book : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001789883101

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“Ho*s Be Winning!” 8 People Who Became Overnight Celebrities For Being Scandalous

Is it just me, or have the past few years of reality TV and tell-all books allowed people who embody all things shady get to the top and gain celebrity? Seriously, these days young women are seeing that while an education is nice, if you do something scandalous and talk about it for all to hear, you can get book deals, TV shows, roles in movies, endorsements, advertising for your business ventures and more. Decorum is out for dollars folks, and if you don’t believe me, check out the following individuals. I don’t like to say “Hoes be winning,” so I’ll just say these seven “fools” were (and currently are) winning for all the wrong reasons.

Source: icecreamconvos.com

Karrine “Superhead” Steffans

Nobody gained so much notoriety for discussing lewd behavior as Karrine Steffans did after she revealed a who’s who list of famous (and often, VERY married) rappers she rolled in the sack with or went down on in “Confessions of a Video Vixen.” The chick was on “Oprah” for goodness sake! While the book was interesting, and you could also feel for her a little bit as a woman who was sexually assaulted and had it change her in path in life, it also left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe the whole kissing and telling culture just bothers me, but she didn’t seem that apologetic to the wives of the women she slept with, and spent more time either lauding the men and their packages or dissing their stroke. And after the fact she jumped on the media blitz getting her name out there, still dissing or running after men she claimed to be in love with (like Lil’ Wayne) and signed contracts to put out more of these kinds of books, and more. In the end, I think Steffans just exposed herself most over the years as an all-around sloppy individual, airing out everyone she ran into, including her ex-husband Darius McCrary, Bobby Brown and her current husband via Twitter. She made millions off of being messy.

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