China Hotpot Gossips 2012/07/31

"Holding Love" starring Yang Mi, boyfriend Liu Kaiwei and Chrissie Lau is scheduled to be released on Chinese Valentine's Day, August 23. (Source: Xinhua)
Top 10 Search List (July 31)
Today’s Baidu Beat: Netizens continue to discuss Zhou Jun’s Olympic misfortune, a journalist exposes corruption at a hospital in Shijiazhuang, and a post by Chinese actress Xu Haoying generates controversy.
1. 女举周俊0分 (nǚ jǔ zhōu jùn líng fēn) Netizens continued to discus female weightlifter Zhou Jun’s score of zero and subsequent elimination from the competition. Reuters covered her heartbreaking disqualification here.
2. 绿茶假装尿液 (lǜ chá jiă zhuāng niào yè) Swapping green tea for pee – a journalist secretly swapped out green tea for a urine sample, and revealed that the doctor came back with his results: he supposedly had a critical illness that would require a week of expensive treatment. The Chinese story can be found here.
3. 赵常宁 (zhào cháng níng) Female weightlifter representing Kazakhstan Zulfiya Chinshanlo set a new world record by lifting 95 kg in the women’s 53kg weight-class clean and jerk competition. She has also made waves in Chinese media due to her unique backstory: the diminuative 19 year old Olympian also has a Chinese name, Zhao Changning, and was once a citizen of China. English coverage of her gold medal-winning performance here and a Chinese article on her personal storyhere.
4. 女子400米自由泳决赛法国 (nǚ zǐ sì băi mǐ jué sài fǎ guó) The women’s 400m freestyle competition on Sunday saw France’s Camille Muffat win the gold, while China’s two competitors, Li Xuanxu and Shao Yiwen, did not qualify for the finals. Chinese language story on the competition here.
5. 广西床照门 (guăng xī chuáng zhào mén) Hearings began for an official from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region who made headlines earlier this year for revealing pictures of him that circulated online. Though he refuted the pictures were his, his superiors began to look into his affairs, and he came under investigation for using his position to accept funds in excess of one million RMB. Chinese coverage of the trail here.
6. 银川暴雨 (yín chuān bào yŭ) Torrential rains hit Yinchuan, a city in China’s northwest. This is unusual given the area’s arid climate, but comes on the heels of similarly violent rainstorms in Beijing and Tianjin that left at least 77 dead. Xinhua’s English coverage of the storms here.
7. 徐濠萦微博 (xú háo yíng wēi bó) While having lunch with her family on vacation, Xu Haoying’s picture was taken by several people who then walked away without saying a word. She angrily posted in Sina Weibo that Chinese people were rude, and the post went viral, generating heated controversy. She later deleted the post and apologized, but asked, “I’m Chinese too, and I want our people to be better. Why am I not allowed to be angry about my own people being rude?” Chinese coverage of the story here.
8. 严润哲 (yán rùn zhé) “Dark horse” competitor Om Yun Chol of North Korea stunned spectators when he set a world record in the men’s 56kg weight class with his 168 kg clean and jerk. The Wall Street Journal covered his victory and declaration that his achievements could be attributed to “warm love and consideration of General Kim Jong Il and comrade Kim Jong Eun.”
9. 邢延华 (xíng yán huá) Chinese-American ping pong player Ariel Hsing, or Xing Yanhua, lost to Chinese champion Li Xiaoxia, but attracted attention both for the quality of her game and her famous fans – Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. English story here.
10. 吴文珊 (wú wén shān) On July 29, Hong Kong movie star Dexter Young and Wu Wenshan finally had a big white wedding after filling out the paperwork to become husband and wife last year. Hong Kong media covered the ceremony in Chinese here, complete with pictures.
Courtesy of our friends at Tea Leaf Nation.

Ang Lee's adventure film "Life of Pi," released the movie's first trailer.
"Life of Pi" is Lee's first 3D production and is scheduled to be released on November 21
Source: "Life of Pi"