Shu Qi heartbroken: "The Past is not a Scar"; Carina Lau drawn into incident


Shu Qi heartbroken: "The Past is not a Scar"; Carina Lau drawn into incident

Vincent Zhao's fans attacked Shu Qi by reposting her old nude photos online after she supported Donnie Yen on Weibo that he's a professional and serious actor. This resulted in Shu Qi deleting all of her Weibo entries as well as her list of Following. She suffered great emotional impact and wrote about her thoughts in an article: "The past is not a scar." Unfortunately, that didn't settle the disputes, yesterday even Carina Lau was drawn into the situation because it was discovered that she downloaded the 'Shu Qi's Photos' file during the sensitive period and so Netizens teased that she's gossiping, "curiosity kills the cat". Vincent Zhao also publicly stressed on Weibo of his innocence, that he did not hire an 'online thug' to attack people.
The other night, a Weibo entry: "I just discovered a very good document 'Shu Qi zip' (舒淇zip), I recommend that you go take a look." appeared on Carina's Weibo. This entry means she downloaded the file containing Shu Qi's photos, and at the time the message quickly spread. Perhaps even she didn't even know. Soon after, Netizens teased that she's gossiping and started taking her film Curiosity Kills the Cat to joke with. Netizens criticized that she's doing the wrong things during a sensitive period. Carina later deleted that entry. Being attacked, Shu Qi feels disturb and hurt, so she decided to quit Weibo. Yesterday morning, she wrote an article Back to the Source of Simplicity on her official website. This was a response to the Weibo incident. In the article she refers herself as "she". The following is an excerpt of Shu Qi's article. She helplessly wrote: "The simplest source, is to still have a personal shop, a comfortable shop. In fact she is very heartbroken, after all that was just like her log of feelings. Unfortunately some people, including herself, will always has a dark side."
"Relax, she's well and yet is unwell. She is thankful of the people that has hurt her, allowing her to continuously learn and grow. Although the process was painful, extremely hard to bear, but it still must get by! Thanks to all the people who don't like her, allowing her to actually feel the truth and really reflect on the direction of life. Now ending Weibo, she's not worried her life will slowly be unrecognized, but rather her pipeline of wanting to help people in the future loses a direction."

Regarding her past, Shu Qi writes: "She does not care about any of the comments whatsoever. In the last 17 years, all the disturbances, great winds and waves, life or death moments, she was still able to get through them. Thanks to all those people who have helped her. The past isn't a scar to her, it is a story that tells how she came along. I think she feels proud. Hopefully the future world, the positive energy can overpower the negative. In the meantime, she's a little weak and embarrassed! But please rest assure, just with a little time, she will be able to get through it. I believe she will be a strong heroine very soon!" To end, Shu Qi thanked her fans for their loyalty.

After the Shu Qi Weibo incident good friend Donnie apologized to her and other friends who were dragged into the situation through Weibo. As for Vincent, he also clarified on Weibo that he did not hire an 'online thug' to clean out Shu Qi's Weibo. He even urged Weibo's technical staff to publicize that Netizen's IP address to prove that he's innocent. Vincent insisted that he looks forward to another collaboration with Shu Qi as well.

Source: Mingpao, Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU forums

Little Toys 1933 Chinese Silent Film Ruan Ling Yu & Li-Li Li

A brief scene from the rare Chinese silent Little Toys (1933), starring the beautiful Ruan Ling-yu, the "Chinese Garbo", one of China's leading actresses who committed suicide at age 24. In the film Ruan plays a toymaker who supports her family and community with her craft of toymaking. War and strife and loss becomes her lot in life but the courageous character of "Sister Ye" carries on no matter what befalls her.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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