Animal rights activists hold rally in Beijing against bear bile extraction

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Kim Chiu and Enchong Dee Dancing Accident Video on ASAP SUPAH DANCE (March 25, 2012)

Catch the video of Kim Chiu and Enchong Dee dancing on ASAP’s SUPAH DANCE segment on Sunday, March 25, 2012 episode when they unintentionally got the wrong move and had a minor accident.

The two didn’t just show off their dance steps, they also accidentally got a wrong move when Enchong tried to lift Kim but seemed like lost his balance and made Kim’s head feel and accidentally hit on the floor slightly.

Animal rights activists hold rally in Beijing against bear bile extraction

Bear bile protest in Beijing

March 24, several animal rights activists held a rally at the International Trade Square in Sanlitun, Beijing to protest against the bear bile extraction.

It was said China is one of the only two countries in this planet that have legalized bile extraction from live bears (the other one is North Korea!) The founder of Fujian Guizhentang, a pharmaceuticals company that makes medicine from bear bile, ever said to the public that “if you are against us, it is against the country.”

Fujian Guizhentang has been under fire for its IPO attempt in this February to expand business. Even though an senior official of China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine has spoken out for Guizhentang by claiming that “bear bile extraction might be comfortable to bears,” and Guizhentang opened their bear farms to the journalists and the public, the campaigns against cruelty to bears called by Chinese socialites and animal rights activists have been seen across the country since then.

In the bear bile protest in Beijing, the animal activists wore bear costumes and held sign boards that read “I don’t want to,” “No bear bile, no bear farm,” and others.

Bear bile protest in Beijing

Police car wall to anti-protest

On Sunday, the police cars connected to a circle surrounded Seoul Plaza, in order to prevent the protesters. During nuclear security summit in Seoul, South Korean environmental activities held a rally outside the train station and demonstrated against the nuclear meeting, appealing to completely give up the nuclear power.


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