Hwang Mi-Hee | Heo Yun-Mi | Ryu Ji-Hye - Interlude

It continues in style with a short interlude P & I 2012, an opportunity for us to find the lovely Hwang Mi-Hee, Heo Yun-Mi Ryu Ji-Hye and Yum Yum looks like Loki!

Welcome to Pusan ​​

Those who follow the blog for a long time know that I really like Pusan ​​(the second city in Korea) and it is always with great pleasure that I speak. It there's 2-3 days, I came across this photo that I find sublime, we see the whole bay and it's quite impressive. I posted a photo similare it there's some time ( link ), but the mountain side. This is even more beautiful here and it makes me want to return damned :D


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