I bet Zhang Han wishes "H4″ of Meteor Shower were rich enough to dress like this.
The wonderfully crafted SOP Queen continues its trend of great fashion and stylists, wonderful eye-candy, and fanciness all around in the follow-up drama 胜女的时代.
After an one-year hiatus, Zheng Shuang finally
returns to work, this time playing a pair of twins who were separated at birth, as all twins are. Talented but coming from a simple background, Zhang Han's role was (shock) in love with Zheng Shuang's wealthy twin. When the two planned to runaway together to escape her arranged marriage, she dies on the way to meet him and her younger twin is brought in to act as her. Shocked by the seeming-betrayal, Zhang Han plots revenge but can't help falling in love with the younger twin.

First-time actor Di Jie plays a rich businessman who was arranged to marry Zheng Shuang's wealthy twin, but is actually in love with her younger "twin" played by Jessie Chiang.

Kimi plays the playboy who falls for Sun Xiaoxiao's character (best friend to Zheng Shuang's poor twin)

Also a first-time actor, Xu Kaicheng plays best friends with Zheng Shuang's poor twin.

With hair like this, Zhang Han would be a quite handsome nationalist officer.

Zhang Han: I wonder when Zheng Shuang will grow up and accept a role without me?